--Eon Labs Fuse--
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--Eon Labs Fuse--
Why EonLabs Fuse
Fuse Type
EonLabs Review and Test
Eon Labs Fuse Test
Halaman kontak
Fuel Consumption Test
At first before change the Oem fuse with Eon Labs Fuse the Fuel consumption is 11.2 Km / Litre
Change To Eon Labs Fuse decrease the fuel Consumption 11.6 km / Litre
Day 3 after Little breakin of the fuse fuel consumption decrease again to 11.7 km / litre
Day 5 Fuel comsumption go to 11.9 km / litre
Day 10 fuel consumption decrease again to 12.1 km / litre
Day 14 fuel consumption go to 12.2 km / litre
After one month of using Eon Labs Fuse . The fuel effeciency increase about 11 % from 11.2 km / litre to 12.4 km/litre
Impedance and resistance test
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