--Eon Labs Fuse--

--Eon Labs Fuse--


Fuel Consumption Test

At first before change the Oem fuse with Eon Labs Fuse the Fuel consumption is 11.2 Km / Litre

Change To Eon Labs Fuse decrease the fuel Consumption 11.6 km / Litre

Day 3 after Little breakin of the fuse fuel consumption decrease again to 11.7 km / litre

Day 5 Fuel comsumption go to 11.9 km / litre

Day 10 fuel consumption decrease again to 12.1 km / litre

Day 14 fuel consumption go to 12.2 km / litre

After one month of using Eon Labs Fuse . The fuel effeciency increase about 11 % from 11.2 km / litre to 12.4 km/litre

Impedance and resistance test